This week I participated in another online class instructed by Kassandra. This class had a duration of 45 minutes and consisted of basic poses that were intended to relive the muscles of stress and loosen everything up. I really enjoyed this class because it wasn't too fast paced and was very calming. The poses did a really good job at helping my muscles to relax and my body felt really good after the class concluded.

    Kassandra once again was a great instructor. She was very calm and positive. Her voice was very soothing and allowed the experience to be that much more enjoyable. I feel that having a calm and relaxed instructor plays a major role In improving the vibes in which the class is taken in. With that being said this was my fourth class total with Kassandra and every time I remember why I keep coming back for more classes. I always feel great after wards and I am always glad that I chose the class that I did.

    Now that I have taken several different styles of yoga classes with varying poses, instruction styles, and purposes I have concluded that I personally enjoy yoga that is slower paced and mainly focused around loosening up the body and calming the mind. It is hard for me to commit to styles such as ashtanga and Iyengar. They just aren't for me but the more relaxed styles of classes I find myself enjoying the most. But once again I thoroughly enjoyed this weeks yoga class and am looking forward to my next one!


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