For this weeks yoga class, I decided to take a 25 minute class that was focused around opening up the body to loosen muscles and prepare you to start your day. the instructor of this class was named Kassandra. Right away at the beginning of the class I felt very welcomed and relaxed. Kassandra's tone of voice was very passive and welcoming. The class as a whole was very enjoyable and easily to keep up with.

    I would say this was definitely a beginners style class, the movements used were pretty straight forward and I had no issues performing any of the movements that were included. the pace of this class was slower and more relaxed than the class I took last week. I felt a lot more comfortable participating and keeping up with the flow of this class. along with that, Kassandra not only stated the name of the movements were doing, but also explained how to perform them and what things to focus on when doing the movements. I found this to be very helpful and I feel I got a lot more out of this class than last weeks class.

    similar to last weeks class, There was no mention of any spiritual aspects to accompany the movements we were doing. Eventually I would like to take a class that isa little more intermediate level and see whether or not that will have any affect on the presence of any history of yoga. All and all I am thoroughly enjoying these yoga classes and I am looking forward to see my progression through out the semester and see where these classes take me!


  1. What if anything did the instructor (and you) do to create a "ritual space"? Intermediate may not have anything to do with spirituality, but with physicality.


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