This week I completed my very first yoga class! It was clear to me that I am quite inexperienced when it comes to yoga practice and the general physical applications used in western yoga. With that being said for my first class I decided to take it easy, I found a beginners yoga class that focused on building your core muscles and utilized generally basic techniques. The instructor of the class was Sadie Nardini.  Immediately following the start of the class, It was apparent to me that Sadie was very high energy. She seemed extremely happy to be instructing the class and motivated to help introduce beginners like myself to the practice of yoga.

    The general tone of the class seemed pretty fast paced, It was hard for me to keep up for the first few minutes but eventually settled into the pace of the class and was able to keep up. When it comes to the overall intensity of the class, it was pretty intermediate but as the class progressed and my muscles began to fatigue it became more difficult. All in all it was a really solid workout and a successful first yoga class!

I am looking forward to choosing another class next week and seeing what differences and similarities it will have in comparison to this one. I plan to find a different type of class next week with a new instructor and see if they may be more spiritually cognizant to the philosophy that comes along with practicing yoga. I say that because the class I took this week had no mention of any spiritual guidance or terms that we have began to discuss in class. That will conclude my thoughts on my first yoga class and will be back next week to reflect on my next yoga experience!


  1. Sadie is all about core work (not a traditional yoga concept for sure!), and yes, quite a "character" she has constructed. the Cindi Lauper of yoga? In any event, I like your strategy. Keep it up!


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