On Thursday this week in class we participated in a Bikram style yoga instruction. The class was led by Diane Polli and lasted around 90 minutes. This was my first time not only participating in a Bikram class but also hearing of it, this patented style of yoga was one I was unfamiliar with. from what I understand, the practice consists of the same 26 movements for each class and has very devoted followers who practice this type of yoga. 

    I personally felt the difficulty of the intended movements were above what I am currently capable of. I quickly found myself getting sore and unable to properly perform the movements. the muscle stretch and constant tension was enjoyable and beneficial for my overall physical benefit but again felt myself unable to be able to keep up and properly perform the movements. I also found it to be quite difficult to understand exactly what it was we were supposed to be doing just by listening to Diane without her performing the movements herself as an example. if I was to not look over the 26 movements prior to the class I would have been very lost.

    All and all I enjoyed the class and felt like I got a better understanding for Bikram as a whole and gained a respect for anyone who practices this style of yoga on a regular basis. I would be willing to give Bikram another chance and participate in another class further down the road once I have gained more basic knowledge and physical strength to allow me to better keep up with the class. I am looking forward to taking another style class next week and interested to see what it will bring to the table in terms of physical and spiritual outcomes!


  1. next time, pin me to your screen. I am always doing the practice with you.


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