For this weeks yoga class, I participated in a Vinyasa yoga instruction taught by Ally Maz. Right off the bat I was able to tell that this class was going to do a really good job at loosening my muscles up and would give me a really solid stretch; I was right. I was extremely pleased with the pace of this class, I was able to keep up with no problem. the instructor did a really good job at keeping the class engaged and maintained a positive calm tone throughout the class. Not all teachers are capable of teaching well while performing the posses at the same time, so this was greatly appreciated by me.

    I thoroughly enjoyed how well Ally flowed through the positioned. I felt very fluent and natural progressing from one position to the next. The difficulty of the poses were very moderate in my opinion and I didn't have any trouble performing any of them. This was the first class I have taken where I was able to perform every single pose and actually feel like I did them correctly. This made me extremely pleased because this is not a normal occurrence for me.

    All and all I thoroughly enjoyed this class. the Instructor was great, the pace of the class was great, and difficulty was perfect for my skill level. I definitely would take this type of class again. It was a great addition to my day and really set myself up to tackle the rest of the day with a positive outlook.


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